Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Projects Galore!

Not to make excuses, but the lack of my blogging has largely been due to the countless amount of projects we have undertaken here at the house. So to catch all of you up, here is a glimpse of the projects/fun that has been had the past week or two.

Circa Halloween time I made these yummy candy corn sugar cookies...

And on Halloween Day we finally got around to carving up these...

We sanded some wood

and then distressed it like crazy.

and then stained it as well.

All to get a more organized office...

I started sewing Christmas presents...

but we can't show those!

And I learned am learning to crochet.

We are dog sitting this big puppy...

I sewed a table runner, painted new curtains, and finally made a thankful tree for our table...

{you can kind of see all three in the above picture}

And we finally have some pictures that aren't of just us in this home...

Now we just need to tackle the project we have in store to display those... Any projects you have been up to lately?


I have a confession to make.

I lied. I said I would write a thankful post every day in November, and week later...I have done nothing.

When I sit and think about how much I am thankful for, I realize how ridiculous it is that I couldn't NOT write about it. I think it's because I just don't thank the Lord enough for what He has given me. Each day passes with the many blessings that inhabit it and I don't even take notice that they exist. Yes, I'm thankful for it, but I don't notice it..they are just expected. I don't see them as the beautiful gifts they are.

I pray I shout thanksgiving and count my blessings each day. I pray I take the time to count those little gifts that I am given...because each day is a blessing. I pray that in each breath I give thanks to the Magnificent Creator who made me and in so doing, bring Him glory. 


What am I thankful for today? 

Amazing Grace.

The grace that saves this self-consuming, un-thankful, materialistic sinner. The grace that abounds in and through me each day as He molds me more into His image...because it is only by His grace that I am good. It is only by HIS GRACE that I can be selfless, thankful, and run from the things of this world.

So, Lord, friends, people. 

I have a confession. 

I'm a sinner.
I'm saved by grace. 
I am oh so thankful.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Season of Thanks

Psalm 100 explains this season so well...

 1 Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth!
 2 Serve the LORD with gladness!
    Come into his presence with singing!
 3Know that the LORD, he is God!
   It is he who made us, and we are his;
   we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
 4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
   and his courts with praise!
   Give thanks to him; bless his name!
 5 For the LORD is good;
   his steadfast love endures forever,
   and his faithfulness to all generations.

I had my first graders memorize that verse last year. It is such a beautiful verse to meditate on this time of year...the Lord indeed is good. I am going to try to give thanks to the Lord each day this month via this blog. 

And so it begins. 

Day One 
We are continuing to get settled here and each day it is beginning to feel more and more like home to us...

how, you ask?

Well, a home to me involves people... people who can walk in this place without knocking. People who you can share food with and discuss life with. People who can dominate you at Nertz (Mark and I need to practice). People who can pray for you, hold you accountable, and grow with you. We are beginning to form authentic relationships...and even meeting wiser and older folks who can train and disciple us this first year of marriage and counting. 

Folks like these two...

Joking :) This is obviously a Halloween costume of the people that dominated us at Nertz. 

This couple has been such a breath of fresh air as we settle here. Max laughs like a hyena, cooks some mean gnocchi, and radically lives for the Lord. Monica can grow a mean garden, knows all things discounts and good deals, and lives out joy in all circumstances like no other. We are looking forward to living life alongside these two for as long as the Lord has us here. 

I give thanks to the Lord for continuously providing for Mark and I as we make this place a home. I came here with many doubts, questions, excitement, and fear. I left a family of believers to find a family of believers! Thank you Lord for your provision!
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